Saturday, January 2, 2010

10 in 2010

Greetings from 2010! Did I mention that I love new year's resolutions? I love starting tabula rasa! I am going to challenge myself to do 10 in 2010. It might be a lofty goal. But not all my resolutions are that hard! If you are feeling inspired in the blogland please link me to your post of 10 in 2010!

10 in 2010
1. Streamline my work during work hours so I have more time to spend w/ Avery & Scott!
2. Sewing classes at Spool. Alicia and I are already signed up for the February market bag class. So excited! Ps It’s downtown on a Sat afternoon, perhaps we have no plans to go home right away?
3. Expand my photography using {AV} & manual settings; textures and black & white post processing.
4. Simplify life . . . always a work in progress.
5. Save for new home in . . . 2011-2012! I am actually attaching pictures of houses to my credit card so I am reminded each time I have to have that new pair of boots to replace the several I already have.
6. Recite the Serenity Prayer until it makes sense: God grant me the serentity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.
7. Paper crafts to a few new items.
8. Expand my cooking repertoire to include roasts & dutch ovens.
9. Tackle baking a layer cake {I usually do cupcakes}.
10. Did I mention increase my savings?? {that needed to be said twice}
**The photo was done in AV w/ my 85mm 1.8 lens. The yummy waffles were made by my husband on his new wafflemaker! Avery & I love waffles!

1 comment:

Felicita said...

Love the resolutions!

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