Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Organization Day 2: Artwork!

Display your artwork! Okay, I stole this idea from Ballards. A large corkboard placed in the dining room. I think it provides stimulating conversation at dinnertime, don't you? Avery likes to imitate her painting skills and point to the babies on the wall. It's also a great spot for all her current artwork! Once we start rotating her artwork, we are scanning in all the pieces for preservation. I mean, we can't save every copy that she marks! When she's older I'll put together a photobook of her scanned artwork. Miss Jenny says she's really becoming the little artist!

1 comment:

The Tall Skinny House said...

So cute! I like the chalkboard tags that spell 'home'. I also have mini pumpkins on candle holders! So fun!

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