Tuesday, November 18, 2008

4mos, 3wks mug shots

Some of my mug shots at 4 months, 3 weeks!! I'm almost 5months old!!

Here are some things I am doing:
*sitting supported
*putting my hands and larger items in my mouth
*trying out solids
*sleeping through the night 7am-7pm (whoo hoo)
*laughing, giggling, "talking"
*rolling all the way to the side
*lifting myself by my elbows
*drooling like crazy
*playing on my activity mat & jumping on my jumperoo

1 comment:

Jennifer Terrero said...

Rebekah... I cant believe how big she is getting. LOVE her "mug shots"... she's adorable.

By the way... LOVE your new blog look!

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