Monday, August 11, 2008

August Moon

Hi all! Enjoy my recent pics from early August! xoxo Avery

Here I am, waiting around for something good to happen. Don't mind if I snooze while I wait . . .

Now that I can hold my head up pretty well, I like to hang out on my boppy, ofcourse my dress is sliding a bit.

This is what I wear with the swaddle me at night. Dad calls it my lab coat. I am sitting pretty in the leather chair modeling the lab coat.

Just me hanging out on the back patio, smelling the roses on a Sunday afternoon. I was noshing on my wubbanub for a bit; it's so easy being a baby!

I am practicing my earnest face for dad for future use. I can stare him down when necessary ie I need a new pair of jeans.

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